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Beige Lust Lehenga


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Original Price- 75,000 INR


Discount Price – 55,000 INR


You Save – 20,000 INR







Top: Show your bold streak in this Beige katan silk shirt worked with amazing embellishments throughout the shirt. Shirt with half embellished sleeves and U neckline style. Fully lined. Concealed back zip closure. Red banarsi edges finished.
Bottom/Lehenga: Lust banarsi jamawar lehenga with mermaid silhouette add charm to wearer. Designed with beautiful embellishments and embroidery work on border and front along with small sized rounded ornamental motifs scattered all over. Small train has turned this lehenga into a romantic fantasy. Fully lined. Concealed side zip fastening.
Dupatta/Veil: Lust crinkle chiffon dupatta bordered with rich detailed embellishments. Floral shaped ornamental motifs are embroidered along with extensive sequins spray. Banarsi edges finished.
Embellishment work: includes sequins, beads, dabka and swarovski crystals

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